Staying Calm in Chaotic Times! calmmind chaotictimes dailypractice meditation stress Jan 28, 2025


As I sit here after my morning meditation I find myself wondering what everyone is doing to stay calm and keep their focus during this very difficult time?

Do you read and watch...

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Meditation Helps Me (and YOU) Be a Better Human! breathe calm calmmind health meditate mindfulness stress Dec 30, 2024

Do you meditate?

Many women I talk with about this say no because they can’t stay with it. They want to meditate, they may even start a practice, but then it goes awry.

I find this...

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Getting to Know Yourself a Little Better digestive health disease ibs stress women May 02, 2023

Do you think you know yourself well?

This question has always been curious to me, how can I not know myself? Of course I know myself!

Well maybe not…..

Here’s a story about me...

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The Art of Aging Well aging aging well ayurveda healthy aging women aging women health yoga May 02, 2023

What does aging well mean to you? 

Chris and I have been talking a lot about how women age....whether we are 20 or 60 we are all aging. And here's the deal....what we have been taught about...

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Sue's metabolic health journey Apr 02, 2023

I began my metabolic health journey by being curious about my bodies reactions to things like food choices, timing of food, my weight fluctuations, and exercise. What worked for me in the past...

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What to believe when it comes to our health? aging ayurveda food as medicine health vibrant health we are what we eat women aging well Apr 02, 2023

Do you find yourself uncertain or questioning all the information out there about your health? It can be so confusing!

I recently heard a research doctor talking about this and he said something...

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