20 Minute Practices
Yoga & Ayurvedic
for daily living
These short yet profound practices were created for you to actually fit yoga into your day!
3 Different Bundles to Choose
Specifically Designed by Sue & Chris
AM & PM Practices $60.00 $50.00
2 AM practices to help build a morning routine
20 minute energizing yoga – an active class led by Sue that will leave you full of energy for the day
20 minute joint mobility with breathwork from Chris – a standing sequence that lubricates your joints along with a centering breathwork session
2 PM practices to help build an evening routine
- 20 minute yin yoga with meditation – a quiet practice led by Sue that unwinds your body and mind
- 20 minute restorative practice – led by Chris for a great night's sleep
Sue's 20 Minute Practices $60.00 $50.00
Fascia Flossing Flow
Everyone is talking about the importance of fascia within the body! 20 minutes of fascia flossing will bring increased range of motion ie: more mobility, less pain and stiffness in the body, more ease and calm in the mind, and improved lymphatic flow for overall health. Perfect for everyone any time of day. All movements are done on the floor.
Somatic Movement Flow
20 minutes of somatic movement taps into the fascia and lymph system in a more subtle way. All poses are done on the floor. Slow down, breath, and feel the effects of this profound practice. Students who experience this type of movement say it feels like they just had an adjustment or a massage!
Managing the Stress Response
This 20 minute practice incorporates various techniques to support a healthy nervous system response. We'll use yoga postures, breath work, meditation, and oiling our feet to support this calming response. Perfect to do daily.
Active & Calming Practices $60.00 $50.00
2 active practices to get your body moving
- Build Stability and Strength in the Lower Body with Sue
- Create Freedom and Flow in the Upper Body with Sue
2 calming practices to relax your body and mind
- Restorative Practice for Calming the Body and Mind with Chris
- Yin Yoga to Enhance Immunity and Stimulate Lymphatic Flow with Chris
Regular practice creates long lasting results
It's easy to find 20 minutes
With our 20 minute practices, maybe you'll even do it twice!
who we are...
We’ve helped many women find ease and balance in their life
Sue Schmitt is a I-AYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, and Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor
Chris Lean is an RYT Certified Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, and Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor
Together we have over 40 years experience teaching Yoga & Ayurveda

AM & PM Practices
2 morning practices to help build a morning routine
2 evening practices to anchor your day
YES Please!
Active & Calming Practices
2 active practices to build strength and stability in the lower body and shoulders
2 calming practices: Restorative and Yin Yoga for a calm body and mind
These sound amazing!
Sue's Practices
Three 20 minute practices to intersperse throughout your day
Fascia Flossing / Somatic Movement Flow / Managing the Stress Response
YES I want them!